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Is your Bedroom Promoting Sleep or Stress?

Writer's picture: Shelley HodgeShelley Hodge

Is your bedroom a place of comfort and relaxation? At the end of the day is your room the room you want to wind down in because it's clutter-free and cozy? Or do you dread bedtime because the laundry is piled high, the bed is unmade and admittedly it's the last room in the house that has not seen a lick of paint in years?

This is what nightmares are made of! Literally!

We are under some serious stress these days as our world has been turned into chaos. Routines are out the window. Kids are home all day. Most of us are working from home now. And we haven't seen a single soul other than the people under our rooves for weeks.

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary. A place where you can't wait to shed all the days events at the door. Like a treat you receive at the end of the day. Indulgent and satisfying like dessert at the end of a meal.

Does your bedroom do all of that for you?

These big stressors won't go away overnight, nor will a good night's sleep cure everything, but an organized room will help you destress, reduce anxiety and promote quality sleep to better prepare for the day ahead.

My favourite day of the week could easily be clean sheet Sunday! I am a once a week bed changer, which has now turned into twice a week since the onset of COVID-19. There is nothing better than the smell and feel of a fresh bed is there? (Maybe baked bread too. I do love those carbs)

"In fact, about seven in 10 people agree that they get a more comfortable night’s sleep on sheets with a fresh scent, according to survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation."

It's a great time to tackle your sleep space since many of us have extra time. Make a plan to remove all unnecessary things that are unrelated to promoting healthy bedtime routines. (I did read an article about limited decorative cushions to just 1 on your bed. This I just cannot get behind lol!)

  • Repair, discard or replace any furniture that is broken or unused

  • Store laundry in another room

  • Put away clothes (I am talking to you who uses the treadmill as a closet)

  • Relocate that treadmill too btw. As well as any workout equipment

  • Remove clutter from night side tables

  • Invest in good bedding

  • Make a new space in your home for a workspace

  • Paint the room a calm colour.

  • Limit screen time during bedtime routine

  • Make your bed every morning. No exception.

Keep night stands clutter free. Try using an old fashioned alarm clock instead of your phone!

Besides sleeping in a messy space, your paint colour is also messing with your restful sleep. Lord knows I love my bright colours but sometimes those bright hues keep us engaged when we need to start winding down instead. Try one of these tones from Benjamin Moore that will help naturally calm you the minute you enter your room.

You deserve a place that's just yours (or yours and your partners). Free from distraction with small luxuries that you love. Creating a calming and relaxing space where you sleep is part of self-care. If not now during the most tumultuous time in modern history then when?

Stay Safe! Check on your squad! and Sweet Dreams!

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