Happy New Year! I know, it's been more than a minute since I've posted and I apologize for leaving you hanging. The end of 2020 was a busy one to say the least and for that I am grateful (but equally as grateful to say goodbye to it! Quiet cheers to 2021 amirite!) In the spirit of trying to do it all (as I normally try) it turns out I cannot and that unfortunately left the blog hanging. I promise to do better in 2021 because I've got lots to talk about and loads of projects to share with you!
I wanted to share with you this is a cute and super easier DIY Valentine! Valentine's Day is approaching and even though it's not a major holiday, there are some really sweet ideas out there to help you show the love! (And we can always use a little luv!) I am pretty sure my love language is gift giving so every and all occasions I am looking for unique and fun ways to celebrate. Little gifts or big gifts, it matters not, as long as someone smiles and is excited (and of course loves the adorable wrapping I strive to achieve!)

These Valentine pouches can be completed in less than 15 minutes (so it's not a huge commitment to make a bunch!) and can be filled with all sorts of treats. Be creative with what you stuff in there! It could be vintage or themed candy. You could add some love notes like a giant fortune cookie of sorts. Make them smaller or larger to fit jewellery or gift cards. The ideas are endless and completely up to you! Above all have fun crafting!

Coloured yarn
White (or coloured) card-stock paper
Hole Punch
Cut your card-stock into a square (size is up to you! You can even play with shapes if you wish)
Fold the square onto itself so you have 1 folded side and 3 open sides.
Use the hold punch to punch holes through both pieces of paper and all the way around the 3 open sides. ( The closer together the less worry of some of the treats falling out)
Cut your yarn about so that you have enough to go around the perimeter of your folded square.
Tie the yarn into a knot onto itself at the first holes nearest the fold.
"Thread" your yarn in and out the holes all the way around but looping it around the outer open edges.
Before you finish threading leave enough space to fill up your pouch!

When you've finished filling, continue your threading to the last hole to close it up.
When you reach the last hole loop your yarn around the hole a couple of times and then tie the yarn to itself. Cut the remaining yarn.
Decorate your pouch! You could draw on it or use glitter! Add ribbons or bows! The creativity is all yours!

Give them away and watch your friends and loved ones literally rip open their treats!

Happy February everyone! And remember be kind to each other!
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